Friday, 21 June 2013

IHSW, Take 2

Well, IHSW has come to an end... but it turns out that actually, IHSW is this weekend! Head over to Joysze's blog (button to the left) to find out more about IHSW and to sign up.

So this has sorta turned into IHSTD (Internation Hermit and Stitch Ten Days), so I'm just gonna post my progress on my IHSW goals so far...

1) Start and finish all DMC on part one of PR Mystery SAL 2013

Progress, 15th June 2013

Done, 17th June 2013

= done!

2) Finish-finish Always Time for Tea (the original)

As it stands

= not touched :(

3) Prepare Always Time for Tea (the second one) for finishing

Cut down 15th June 2013
= yup! :D

4) Make significant progress on H (bonus points if I get a page finish)

As of 15th June 2013
= not touched :(

5) Work on one other WIP (undecided which as of yet) = Nope :(

So I have a fair amount of stuff to do this weekend, but as I have no plans, it's entirely doable! I also have a couple of happy bits to report...

My aunt gifted me a lap scroll frame for my birthday! I tried it out on Mini Transcendence, which I'm doing over one, tent stitch on Sparklies' Midnight 28ct Lugana, so it's quite fun and exciting (and the pattern is beautiful).

My shiny new lap frame <3
It's only a small start but I mostly wanted to try out the frame, so Transcendence is going away for a while until I've completed other stuff.

It also turns out that whitening powder and water soluable ink don't work too well together. You see the yellowish marks around the first "Always Time For Tea"? That's what happens when they mix. Mum and I tried a bit of bleach to get rid of it but the results were minimal, so I'm going to have to fudge it with a border to cover it up or something. I'm not too happy about this :(

On a non-stitchy note, look what showed up in my mail last Saturday...

I don't think I've ever been so excited in my life.

I'm swiftly approaching 50 followers, so I may have to follow blogging tradition and have a giveaway. Keep your eyes out!

Happy stitching!

Heather xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather

    Your stitching is looking great and I hope you get loads done this weekend (:
